New Series

TV Series (3D Animation)

Indian super boy V/S Super dark powers. Gaurav, a 11-year-old lad, thinks he is an ordinary boy... until he is blessed with divine magical powers and is chosen by destiny to fight evil and is named Junior G.

Animated Motion Comics (2D)

Garuda, the king of birds, waited a long time for Arjun, a 14 years old innocent young boy, to find his courage and discover his powers to save the world from the evil ambitions of Yazzaka, the king of Demons, who has resurrected himself after centuries of being destroyed.

Animated Motion Comics (2D)

Satt, a 13 years old orphan, did not know about his connection with the mysterious secrets of the past until he stumbled upon a forbidden realm which takes him on a journey to fight against evil forces to claim the immense power which had been locked in a magical spell.

Animated Motion Comics (2D)

A friendly ghost helps a bunch of children, who are out to save a precious national treasure. The mystery of the treasure has to be resolved to save everyone's lives.